Visualizing Olympic Diets On A Single Plate [Pics]

A humorous look at what Olympiads eat in order to prepare for and compete at the London 2012 Games.

Wesley Robison
Wesley Robison on August 3, 2012. @redixculous
PSFK Coverage Of The 2012 LondonOlympics

UK designer Sarah Parker and Photographer Micheal Bodiam have paired up to create a playful interpretation of the high calorie meals that Olympiads eat everyday. The artists miniaturized the 20-25 servings that an athlete might eat on a daily basis and compiled them onto one plate.

Based on olympic nutritionist Dan Benerdot they organized portions and dishes and food that range from bananas, berries, shrimp, chicken, cheese, bread, crackers, peppers, juice, pasta, fish and eggs. In order to compete, athletes need to consume an inordinate amount of calories, many of the servings pictured exceed 2,000 calories.

Check out the ideal meals for some the athletes competing in the 2012 Olympic games below.
